
Manuscript Format
Unless specified by the editorial board, please use the 7th edition of the APA Publication Manual.
Font: English and Arabic numbers should be in Times New Roman 12-point size, and Chinese should be in “細明體” 12-point size.
Word Limit: English papers should be no more than 6,000 words, and Chinese papers have alimit of 20,000 words. The principle is that when published, the paper should not be more than 30 pages. All foreign names and special terms should appear with their original language at their first occurrence in the paper.
Manuscript Plan:
a. Title of the paper: Title should be in both English and Chinese
b. Abstract: Include an English abstract (maximum of 250 words) and a Chinese abstract (maximum of 350 words). There should be 3-5 keywords in English and Chinese. After typesetting, all abstracts and keywords must not exceed one page.
c. Content: At the minimum, each paper must include
(1) English and Chinese abstracts,
(2) main body of the paper, and
(3) list of references, each starts on a new page. -
d. Paragraphs: In the main body of the paper, the beginning of each paragraph should be indented by one tab. The beginning of each sentence should be a word rather than an Arabic number, a punctuation, or a foreign term.
e. Quotation, notes, citations, and references: Except for language limitations in English and Chinese, all quotations, notes, citations, and references should abide by the 7th edition of the APA Publication Manual. Except for seldom indirect citations, all direct quotes must be accurate and include the page number of the original source.
f. Tables and figures:
(1) Figures and illustrations (black and white): Figures and illustrations should be clear, figure captions should be placed above the images, left justified, such as Figure 1 and Figure 2. If the figure is a work of art, the following information should be listed in order:
(a) creator,
(b) title,
(c) year,
(d) medium,
(e) dimensions (length, width, and depth), and
(f) location.
There should be a blank line space underneath the caption and before the next line of main text. -
(2) Tables (black and white): Title of the table should appear after a blank line space from the main text, left justified, and with a table number, such as Table 1 and Table 2. Notes for the table should be placed underneath the table, left justified also.
(3) Copyright: Author of the paper must have the copyright or copyright permission of all tables and figures.
g. Punctuation: Except for English abstract, English content, and English references, all Chinese portions should use “fullwidth” punctuation, for example: (NAEA,2010,p. 32)。
Revised Manuscript:
Revised manuscript and responses to reviewers should be uploaded online for another round of review and for the editorial committee’s meeting. After being notified of confirmed paper acceptance, the submitter should upload the revised submission that includes:-
(1) Abstract in Chinese and English:
A Chinese revised manuscript should include an English abstract of 750-1,000 words.
An English revised manuscript should include a Chinese abstract of 750-1,000 words. -
(2) Chinese references in Romanized letters:
This publication is ready for indexing by such agencies as SSCI and Scopus. All revised manuscripts should include references in Romanized pinyin in order of preference:
[i] English translation provided in the original publication;
[ii] spelling of the Chinese pronunciation according to the system recommended by the Ministry of Education, word for word (http://crptransfer.moe.gov.tw). -
(3) Proof of Professional English Editing:
To ensure quality, the English abstract and keywords at this stage of the review should include a proof of professional English editing. In addition, the proof must be approved by the editorial committee.