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Advisory Board

Lee, Ching-Fang
Title / Affiliation:
Professor / Department of Fine Arts, Graduate Program in Art Education, National Changhua University of Education
Education Background:
PhD in Art Education, The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Vice Chair
Chen, Hsiao-Fen
Title / Affiliation:
Professor / Department of Music, National Taiwan Normal University
Education Background:
Ed.D in Music Education, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

Vice Chair
Liu, Kuang-Hsia
Title / Affiliation:
Professor / Department of Learning and Materials Design, University of Taipei
Education Background:
Ed.D in Art and Art Education, Teachers College Columbia University, USA
Board Members
( In Alphabetical Order )
Chang, Chung-Shiuan / Professor in retirement / College of Dance, Taipei National University of the Arts
Chang, Hsiao-Hua / Professor in retirement / Department of Drama, National Taiwan University of Arts
Chang, Li-Yu / Associate Professor / Department of Drama Creation and Application, National University of Tainan
Chao, Huei-Ling / Professor / Department of Fine Arts, National Taiwan Normal University
Chen, Chiu-Jhin / Professor in retirement / Department of Visual Arts, University of Taipei
Chen, Chun-Di / Professor / Department of Arts and Design, National Taipei University of Education
Chen, Hsiao-Fen / Professor / Department of Music, National Taiwan Normal University
Chen, I-Ping/ Professor / Institute of Applied Arts, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Chen, Jessie Hsiao-Shien/ Professor / Center for General Education, National Taichung University of Education
Chen, Jin-Shiow / Professor / Department of Visual Arts, National Chiayi University
Chen, Jo Chiung-Hua / Professor in retirement / Department of Fine Arts, National Taiwan Normal University
Chen, Jun-Hong / Professor / Department of Information & Design, Asia University
Chen, Ren-Fu / Associate Professor in retirement / Department of Early Childhood Education, National Pingtung University
Chen, Shu-Yu / Professor / Department of Special Education, University of Taipei /
Chen, Ya-Ping / Associate Professor / School of Dance, Taipei National University of the Arts
Chen, Yun-Wen / Program Collaborator / The Ministry of Education Pioneering Program for Cross-Disciplinary Aesthetic Education in Taiwan
Cheng, Ming-Hsien / Professor / Department of Fine Arts, Graduate Program in Art Education, National Changhua University of Education
Chiang, Shyue-Ying / Associate Professor / Department of Fine Arts, National Taiwan Normal University
Chiu, Shu-Yi / Associate Professor /Chinese Language Center & International Program on Urban Goverance, National Taipei University
Chuang, Ming-Jen / Professor / Department of Music, National Taichung University of Education
Chuang, Wuei-Chun / Associate Professor / Department of Music, National Taiwan Normal University
Deng, Tzong-Sheng / Professor / Department of Science Communication, University of Pingtung
Hsiao, Chiin-Ling / Professor / Department of Dance, University of Taipei
Hsiao, Hui-Chun / Professor / Department of Visual Arts, University of Taipei
Hsieh, Tsuei-Ju / Associate Professor / Department of Arts and Design, National Tsing Hua University
Hsieh, Yuan-Mei / Professor in retirement / Department of Music, National University of Tainan
Hsu, Hsiu-Chu / Professor / College of Arts, National Dong Hwa University
Hsu, Ya-Hsiang / Professor / Department of Theatre Arts, Taipei National University of the Arts
Hu, Hui-Jiun / Professor / Department of Visual Arts, National Chiayi University
Hung, Yung-Shan / Research Fellow / Research Center of Curriculum and Instruction, National Academy for Educational Research
Hwang, Ren-Lai / Professor in retirement / Department of Communication Arts, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages
I, Bin / Professor / Department of Design, National Taiwan Normal University
Jung, Shu-Hwa / Associate Professor / Graduate Institute of Arts and Humanities Education, Taipei National University of the Artsi
Kao, Cheng-Feng / Professor / Department of Visual Arts, University of Taipei
Kuan, Cheng-Neng / Honorary Chair Professor / College of Design, Shih Chien University
Kuo, Ann Cheng-Shiang / Professor in retirement / Department of Fine Arts, National Taiwan Normal University
Kuo, Hsiao-Ling / Professor in retirement/ Department of Music, University of Taipei
Lai, Mei-Ling / Professor in retirement / Department of Music, National Taiwan Normal University
Lee, Ching-Fang / Professor / Department of Fine Arts, Graduate Program in Art Education, National Changhua University of Education
Li, Chyi-Chang / Associate Professor / The Graduate School of Arts and Humanities Instruction, National Taiwan University of Arts
Lin, Mei-Chun / Professor / Department of Drama Creation and Application, National University of Tainan
Lin, Sheau-Yuh / Professor / Department of Music, University of Taipei
Lin, Yen-Ching / Associate Professor / Department of Industrial and Commercial Design, Asia Eastern University of Science and Technology
Liu, Feng-Jung / Professor Emeritus/ Department of Visual Arts, National Chiayi University
Liu, Kuang-Hsia / Professor / Department of Learning and Materials Design, University of Taipei
Liu, Wan-Chen / Professor / Graduate Institute of Conservation of Cultural Relics and Museology, Tainan National University of the Arts
Lo, Mei-Lan / Professor / Department of Arts and Creative Industries, National Dong Hwa University
Lu, Pei-Chi / Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Visual Arts, University of Taipei
Pan, Yu-Wen / Associate Professor / Department of Music, National Taiwan Normal University
Su, Yu-Huei / Professor / Department of Music, National Tsing Hua University
Tsai, Pei-Kuei / Associate Professor / Graduate Institute of Transdisciplinary Art, National Kaohsiung Normal University
Tseng, Rayuan / Professor / School of Dance, Taipei National University of the Arts
Wan, Yuh-Yao / Distinguished Professor / Department of Arts and Creative Industries, National Dong Hwa University
Wang, Hsiu-Hsiung / Professor Emeritus / Department of Fine Arts, National Taiwan Normal University
Wang, Li-Yan / Professor / Department of Fine Arts, Graduate Program in Art Education, National Changhua University of Education
Wang, Wan-Jung / Professor / Department of Drama Creation and Application, National University of Tainan
Wang, Wei-Chun / Professor / Department of Humanities and Social Science, National Taiwan University of Science & Technology
Wu, Shen-Shen / Professor Emeritus / School of Culture Resources, Taipei National University of the Arts
Yu, Chi-Ying / Assistant Professor / Department of Arts and Design, National Tsing Hua University
( International )
BROPHY, TIMOTHY S. / Professor of Music Education and Director of Institutional Assessment, University Of Florida, USA
BUCK, RALPH M. / Associate Professor / The Faculty Of Creative Arts And Industries, The University Of Auckland, New Zealand
CARPENTER II, B. STEPHEN / Professor / School of Visual Arts, Pennsylvania State University, USA
CHAO, CHI-FANG / Senior Lecturer / Department Of Dance, Roehampton University, UK
CHAPPELL, KERRY / Senior Lecturer / Graduate School of Education, University Of Exeter, UK
CHERYL, STOCK / Adjunct Professor / School of Creative Practice, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
DARRAS, BERNARD / Professor / Department of Cultural & Communication, University of Paris 1, France
DUNCUM, PAUL / Professor Emeritus / School of Art and Design, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA
DUNN, JULIE / Professor / School of Education and Professional Studies, Griffith University, Australia
FUNG, C. VICTOR / Professor / School of Music, University of South Florida, USA
GARDNER, HOWARD / Professor / Graduate School of Education, Harvard University, USA
IRWIN, RITA L. / Distinguished University scholar / Department of Curriculum Studies, University of British Columbia, Canada
ISHIZAKI KAZUHIRO / Professor / Faculty of Art and Design, University of Tsukuba, Japan
MASON, RACHEL / Professor Emeritus / School of Education: Art Education, University of Roehampton, UK
MAYUMI KUNO-MIZUMURA / Professor / Faculty of Core Research Humanities Division, Ochanomizu University, Japan
PARSONS, MICHAEL J. / Adjunct Professor / School of Art and Design, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA
STINSON, MADONNA / Professor / School of Education and Professional Studies, Griffith University, Australia
THOMPSON, KEITH P. / Professor Emeritus / School of Music, The Pennsylvania State University, USA
TORRES DE EÇA, TERESA / PhD /Associação de Professores de Expressão e Comunicação Visual- Apecv , Portugal
WILSON, BRENT / Professor Emeritus / School of Visual Arts, The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Yin, Shao-Chun / Professor / College of Fine Arts, Capital Normal University, China
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