Issue 40
The Influence of Expression and Gender on Infographics Preference and Attention
許子凡 Tzu-Fan Hsu
國立臺北商業大學創意設計與經營研究所 副教授
Associate Professor / Institute of Creative Design and Management,National Taipei University of Business
林演慶 Yen-Ching Lin
亞東技術學院工商業設計系 副教授
Associate Professor / Department of Industrial and Commercial Design,Oriental Institute of Technology
This study conducts preliminary explorations on aesthetic perceptions such as preference and attention to the expression of infographics. The measurement and evaluation of the participants’ preference and attention (number of eye gazes, average gaze time, and total gaze time) were performed based on the following categories of expressions (strength of organizational structure, and presence or absence of illustrations), and supplemented by gender differences. The research tools used psychological exploration scales and physiological detection with eye-tracking instruments and analyzed the obtained data from a three-factor mixed analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results indicated that infographics with a relatively low organizational structure of layout are generally well-received by viewers; the illustrations in the infographics have an explanatory function, which can enhance the readability of the information and reduce mental consumption; the infographics with a low organizational structure of layout yielded higher attention and preference by females; it is also an important way of expression that draws attention or affects interpretation, and has an interactive relationship with the organizational structure of layout for them. In summary, the subjects of infographics research should not be limited to the ability to interpret, express, and code the meaning of visual information. It is necessary to extend from functional and practical purposes to aesthetic principles such as attraction and style.
Keywords: infographics, expression, gender, preference, attention
The Relationship Between Visual Art Creativity and Passion of Primary School Students in Taiwan: Flow as a Mediator Variable
劉佩雲 Pei-Yun Liu
國立東華大學教育與潛能開發學系 教授
Professor / Department of Education and Human Potentials Development,National Dong Hwa University
許育慈 Yu-Tzu Hsu
新北市淡水區坪頂國小 教師
Teacher / Pingding Elementary School, Tamsui District, New Taipei City
陳柏霖 Po-Lin Chen
中國文化大學心理輔導學系 副教授
Associate Professor / Department of Counseling Psychology,Chinese Culture University
藝術是人類運用創造力以追求真善美的展現,創新是藝術的生命,更是藝術教育的核心目標。研究發現熱情與心流對視覺藝術創造力有重要影響,因此本研究目的即在探究熱情、心流與視覺藝術創造力之間的關係,以 413 名國小四、五年級生為對象,「熱情量表」、「心流量表」與「視覺藝術創造力評分表」為研究工具,檢證心流在和諧式熱情、強迫式熱情與視覺藝術創造力之間的中介效果。研究結果顯示,小學生的和諧式熱情、強迫式熱情與心流、視覺藝術創造力間有正向相關。和諧式熱情、強迫式熱情及心流對視覺藝術創造力有正向預測力。而心流在和諧式熱情與視覺藝術創造力間具有部分中介的效果,在強迫式熱情與視覺藝術創造力間則具有完全中介的效果。
關鍵詞: 心流、和諧式熱情、強迫式熱情、視覺藝術創造力
Development of Photographic Imagination Scale for Vocational High School Students
黃金俊 Chin-Chun Huang
國立中央大學通識教育中心 兼任助理教授
Adjunct Assistant Professor / Center for General Education,National Central University
想像力是一種虛構性表現,設想將事物做另一類思考,創造新經驗,建立各種價值可能。過去較少研究探討高職學生攝影學習使用「自陳式攝影想像力量表」進行評量。本研究為了補足上述不足,探討創作歷程攝影想像力,編製「攝影想像力量表」。研究者以臺灣高職 700 位學生為研究對象,進行量表預試和正式施測。預試部分經項目分析及探索性因素分析後,顯示此量表具有「攝影技術」、「事物選擇」、「影像虛構與組合」、「新價值影像」四因子結構,且各項分析皆為良好。正式施測之驗證性因素分析亦顯示此量表四因子結構具備良好的模式適配度。
關鍵詞: 攝影技術、事物選擇、影像虛構與組合、新價值影像、攝影想像力量表