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An Experimental Study on Integrating Interactive Electronic Whiteboard into Elementary Visual Arts Instruction in Taiwan

高震峰 Cheng-Feng Kao
臺北市立教育大學視覺藝術系 副教授

Associate Professor / Department of Visual Arts,Taipei Municipal University of Education 

吳維慈 Wei-Tzu Wu
國立臺灣師範大學美術教育研究所 碩士

Master of Education / Graduate School of Art Education National Taiwan Normal University






A Case Study of the Representative Factors Regarding Visual Arts Learner’s Art Creations

李堅萍 Zen-Pin Lee
國立屏東教育大學視覺藝術學系 教授

Professor / Department of Visual Arts, National Pingtung University of Education

朱素貞 Su-Chen Chu
慈濟大學通識教育中心 助理教授

Associate Professor / Department of Visual Arts, National Pingtung University of Education

李學然 Shyue-Ran Li
國立屏東教育大學視覺藝術學系 助理教授

Assistant Professor / Department of Visual Arts, National Pingtung University of Education


視覺藝術學習者創作時會毫不考量其他因素地表徵其藝術理念嗎?本研究以一視覺藝術學生為對象,探索其創作之表徵因素的類別、模式與時程。經視覺敘事研究法探索 5 次創作歷程後發現:(1)影響視覺藝術學習者進行
藝術創作的表徵因素有:主題解讀與創意、創作表現之實施、媒材技法的權衡、落差評估之修正等 4 個類別。(2)主題解讀與創意一直反覆導引創作發展,創作表現之實施與媒材技法的權衡則是一決定便一往直前,影響模式頗不同。(3)耗用時程依序為:創作表現之實施、主題解讀與創意、媒材技法的權衡、落差評估之修正。基於研究發現,本研究建議教師不宜僅聚焦於創作技術的訓練,而應平衡或權衡創作的 4 項表徵因素,實施相應教學措施。




An Evaluation of the Integration of Gestalt Theory into University Photography Curriculum

陸維元 Wei-Yuan Lu
國立中正大學通識教育中心 助理教授

Assistant Professor / Center for General Education National Chung Cheng University





Achieving Visual Literacy: Prior Knowledge of Spiritual Symbolism in Modern Art


Martin Forker 馬丁‧福客
實踐大學(高雄校區)應用英語學系 副教授

Associate Professor / Department of Applied English Shih-Chien University, Kaohsiung Campus


It is argued that art studies should offer students prior knowledge in order to develop their visual literacy. This study focuses on the formation of a stronger knowledge-base of historical understandings and interpretive skills of spiritual symbolism in modern art. Accordingly, the study explores various notions of symbolism, Man’s old relationship with the Divine, Man’s new relationship with the Divine, the development of abstraction in modern art, modern prophets for a modern art, and spiritual influences on modern artists.
The research results reveal that many modern artists were highly influenced by Theosophy and alchemical symbols and they also employed a proliferation of multivocality symbols in their symbolic interpretations of the Divine. The research results also reveal that modern artists were radical innovators and were driven by an unquenchable urge for spiritual transformation. Additionally, despite their different techniques and philosophies, such artists shared one objective: to break a path to a new, ultimate pictorial truth in their quest for the Divine.

Keywords: art education, modern art, prima material, spirituality, visual literacy

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